HomeRecent VideosFrontiers in Genomics - Lars Rogge - 13 March 2018

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[16:58:55] Guest[LarsRogge] :


[17:06:42] Invitado[CEBIOGEN_IPN] :

Hi, greetings from Centro de Biotecnologia Genomica from IPN

[17:07:12] Invitado[CEBIOGEN_IPN] :

we are following the seminar through the videoconference system

[17:43:45] Invitado[CEBIOGEN_IPN] :

Does the ethnical backgroud have any effect, do you have any intent in including in your study? Did this study only included in European or did it include other ethnic backgrouds?

[17:54:22] Invitado[CEBIOGEN_IPN] :

Hi, my name is Luis, Nice to meet you. I just want to tell you taht all the response of the body is a inflamatory response and has to be correlated with inmmune too, I think you are in the righ path, because until now I put together this and has to be in the same path way of inflamatory disease that why they have a association, until now you make me see that. Thank you.

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